Thursday, 7 August 2008

Bookmark & Sharing Button - AddThis

If you've been looking for an easy way to allow visitors to your website to share your content throughout their social networking sites then look no further than AddThis.

Effective, easy to use and a doddle to set-up, AddThis could be your ultimate FREE tool for generating extra traffic through social networking websites.

Visitors can easily add a link to your site on Digg, MySpace, Reddit, Furl, StumbleUpon,, Google Bookmarks, Slashdot, Facebook and more. Gain more hits by receiving repeat visits from users who add your site to their favourites and new visits from people the refer through social networking.

AddThis also includes free statistics to help you keep track of usage. If you are having problems displaying your statictics make sure that you are logged in before creating your Addthis button. Once you have everything up and running you'll be able to check how many people have bookmarked your site or added your feed through the AddThis button.

The button can be added to your website as a whole. or alternatively if you're a blogger you can add it after every post.

Installing AddThis on a Blogger Blog

To add the button to Blogger you must insert the code for the button within the "POST FOOTER" of the layout file. To do this click on EDIT HTML, ensure the "Expand Widgets" box is ticked and search for div class='post-footer'.

Simply paste the AddThis code below this DIV CLASS and voila - a button will be placed beneath evey individual Blogger blog post.