Thursday 7 August 2008

Dropship Services - Free Reviews

Unlike some dropship companies, Dropship Services don't make a big sales pitch with bogus statistics or made up testimonials. They don't appear to make any false claims and don't charge for membership, however, their prices don't offer as much profit as some of the paid dropshippers.

Website (Registered December 2002)

Dropship membership is FREE

- No big pre-sales claims
- FREE to join

Categories include: Automotive, Jewellery, Computing, Safety Signs and Beauty products.

Interesting Fact:
The site allows you to view all their products at RRP before signing up for a FREE account.

Read Reviews:
To submit your own reviews or take part in the online polls please visit the Dropshipping Forum. In your reviews please provide feedback on whether the dropshipper, business opportunity or ebook lives up to the sales "claims". If not, how do they bend the truth? What is the reality? Have your say!