Thursday 7 August 2008

DVD Dropship - Free Reviews

DVDdropship claim to have over 850 CD/DVD/Software titles to profit from, starting from just 99p!

Website (Registered November 2004)

Annual membership is £24.95

- Europes largest DVD dropshipping company
- The worlds most professional DVD dropshipper
- 850 titles to profit from, starting at only 99p
- The products are classic bestsellers.
- Considered one of the best home business start-up packages in the UK
- All DVD's are original, brand new and sealed
- No minimum order
- Just under half (45%) of members turnover at least £20,000!

Categories include: DVD's, CD's.

Interesting Fact:
Their bestselling DVD's come from the Fishing range. Other bestsellers include Postman Pat and Erotic Witch Project.

Read Reviews:
To submit your own reviews or take part in the online polls please visit the Dropshipping Forum. In your reviews please provide feedback on whether the dropshipper, business opportunity or ebook lives up to the sales "claims". If not, how do they bend the truth? What is the reality? Have your say!